Academic Requirements
Academic entry requirements for ICN International College Paris can be found below. Please note that there are different entry requirements for the 1 year and 2 year Master’s degrees.
Please email the ICN International College team on the email address below if your country is not represented in the academic requirements.
English entry requirements can be found here.
Foundation Entry Requirements
State Matura / Vërtetim Certificate/ Diplomë e Maturës Shtetërore with an overal score of 5/10
Baccalauréat or Baccalauréat Technique/Commercial with a minimum score of 10
Ensino Geral Certificado de Habilitacoes/Certificado de Habilitacoes with an overall grade of 10/20
Attestat/Certificate of General Secondary Education with minimum overall average score of 7.5/10
Título de Bachillerato: Minimum average grade of 6/10
Certificate of Secondary Education (Attestat) with a score of 3.0 out of 5.0
Tawjihiya / Thanawihya / General Secondary School Certificate: 60% average
Higher Secondary Certificate/Intermediate Certificate with a GPA of 2.5 or an average C grade of 40%
Certificate of General Secondary Education with a minimum grade of 3/5
Successful completion and pass in the following qualifications:
- Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur
- Diploma van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs
- Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts
Titulo de Tecnico (Ensino Medio) with a pass mark
Or Certificado de Ensino Medio/Certificado de Conclusao with a pass mark
Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie: Minimum overall grade of 3.5/6.0
Diploma of Upper Secondary Education with a pass grade or a score of 50%
Baccalaureat with a pass mark of 10/20
Licencia de Educación / Enseñanza Media (High School Certificate) Successful completion with average 4 overall
Senior Secondary School Graduation Certificate (SM3): 60% average
Senior Secondary School Transcript (SM2): 70% average
Bachillerato Academico/Tecnico with desempeno basico (a pass grade)
Diplome de Bachelier de l'Enseignement du Second Degre/Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire with a score of 10/20
Apolytirio Lykeiou (Απολυτήριο Λυκείου) with a score of 10/20 for public schools and 50/100 for private schools
Bachiller en Ciencias (Bachillerato) with with a pass grade of 7/10
Certificate of General Secondary Education (Thanaweya A'ama/Al Azhar) with min overall mark 205/410
Baccaulareate with a grade of 10/20
Certificate of Secondary Education: Minimum average grade of 5.0/10 or, 3.0 on the 4-point scale or, D on a letter scale in relevant subjects
WAEC-SSCE or NECO Grade D7 average across 5 subjects
Realabschluss with an average of 4/5 or
Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife/Arbitur with 4/5
Form 6: 40%+ from top school, 45%+ other schools
HKDSE: minimum 3 grades at level 2 or higher
Year 12: State Boards (50% minimum), National Boards (55% minimum), IB Diploma, Cambridge A-Levels, NIOS (55% minimum)
Ijazah SMA (Sekolah Menengah Atas = general high schools), Ijazah SMK (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan 0 vocational high schools),Ijazah MA (Madrasah Aliyah = Islamic high schools) with an average score of 60% or above
Middle Years Programme with a 5 subjects at a minimum grade of 4
International Baccalaureate Diploma or Certificate with 20 points
General Secondary Education Certificate with 50%
Diploma di Esame di Stato with overall average grade of 55% or 5.5/10
Upper Secondary School Year 2 (11th grade): min grade 3.0/5 or
Upper Secondary School Year 3 (12th grade): min grade 2.5/5
Tawjihi (General Secondary Education Certificate) with an average 60%
Diploma of Completed Secondary Education (Attestat) with min grade 3.0/5
East African School Certificate/Cambridge Overseas School Certificate/Kenyan Certificate (KCSE): Grade D in 5 or more subjects.
Tawjihiya / Thanawihya / General Secondary School Certificate with 70%
Lebanese Baccalaureate: 10/20
French Baccalaureate: 11/20
Diplome de Bachelier de l'Enseignement Secondaire with a score of 10/20
SPM: Minimum grade D+ (Credit)
STPM: Minimum Grade C (Pass)
UEC: Minimum 60%
Bachillerato with 60% or a score 6/10
Atestat de Studii Medii de Cultură Generală (Certificate of Completed Secondary Education) with 4 in all relevant subjects
High school certificate with 60%+ average
Diplome du Baccalaureat with an average score of 11/20
HIgher Secondary Edu Cert/ School leaving Certificate with a GPA of 2.4/4.0 or an average grade of C+
Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (HAVO) Diploma with 6/10
WAEC-SSCE or NECO Grade D7 average across 5 subjects
Tawjihiya / Thanawihya / General Education Diploma with 60% average
HSC min average 50%
High School completion with a minimum score of 3.5/5 or a 5/7
High School completion: Minimum average grades of 11/20
Senior High School (Academic Track) Grade 11: average grade 75%+ or C
Tawjihiya / Thanawihya / General Secondary School Certificate 60% average
Diplomă de Bacalaureat with overall grade of 5.0/10
Certificate of Secondary (Complete) General Education with 3/5
Tawjihiya / Thanawihya / General Secondary School Certificate 60% average
National Senior Certificate with 40% average
Senior High School 2: average 4th rank overall, or
Senior High School 3: average 6th rank overall, or
School Leaving Certificate min average 60% or
High School Equivalency with min average 60% or
CSAT average 6th rank overall
Mathayom Suksa (MAW) 5: min. GPA 2.5 ( or 65%)
Mathayom Suksa (MAW) 6: min. GPA 2.0 (or 60%)
Título de Bachiller with average grade of 5.0/10
Slutbetyg fran Grundskolan (Compulsory Education Leaving Certificate) with an average grade of C/VG/3 or
Högskoleförberedande examen från Gymnasieskolan (Higher Education Prepatory Diploma) with a score of 10/20
Lise Diplomasi with an average score of 55%
Tawjihiya / Thanawihya / General Secondary School Certificate 60% average
Technical Diploma: min. 60%
Successful completion of Attestat/Certificate of Secondary Education with grade average of 7
Diploma of Completed Secondary Education (Attestat) with an average score 3.0/5.0
Bang Tot Nghiep Trung Hoc Pho Thong (THPT) with an average score of 6/10
High School Diploma (No APs or SATs required): min. CGPA 2.0 on a 4-point scale
5 GCSEs grades C+/4+
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme Entry Requirements*
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
4 Year License with an average score of 10/20
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
3 Year License with an average score of 10/20
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
4 Year License with an average score of 10/20 or a GPA of 2.00/4.00
Bachelor's degree with an average GPA of 2.00/4.00
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
Diplôme d’Ingénieur des Travaux (DIT)/Diplôme d’Ingénieur de Conception (DIC) with a pass mark (10/20)
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
4 Years Bachelors degree with an average grade of 60% or more
Or 3+2/2+2 Bachelor degree/Undergraduate (Benke) programme with min. 60% average regardless of the mode of study (self-taught, distance learning, part-time etc
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
Successful completion of the 2.5 - 3 Year Zhuanke qualificati o n regardless of the mode of study (self-taught, distance learning, part-time etc.)
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
4 or 5 year Bachelor's degree (Licenciado/Titulo de/ Professional en) with an average score of 3.0/5.0
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
3 years Tecnologo en/Titulo de a nivel tecnologico with an average score of 3.0/5.0
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
3 Year Bachelors degree from a Hochschulen/Fachhochschulen with an average score of 3.0/5.0
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
3 Year Bachelors degree from a Hochschulen/Fachhochschulen with an average score of 4.0/5.0
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
4 Year Bachelor's degree, graded 40%/pass +
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
3 Year Bachelor Degree, graded 40%/pass +
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
Sarjana (S1) Bachelors degree with CGPA of 2.0/4.0 or a grade C
or Diploma (D4) IV with CGPA of 2.0/4.0 or a grade C
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
Diploma III (D3) with a CGPA of 2.0/4.0 or a grade of C
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
Diplome d'Ingenieur with a score of 10/20
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
3 Year License with an average score of 10/20
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
Successful completion of 4 year Bachelor degree
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
3 year Associate degree from a junior college or 4 year Advanced Diploma from a professional training college: GPA 2.0/4
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
4 Year Bachelor degree or 5 year Specialist diploma graded Pass/3.0GPA+
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
Completed 3 years of a 4 year degree
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
4/5 year Bachelor degree/License with an average grade of 10/20
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
3 year Bachelor degree/License with an average score of 10/20
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
4 years Bachelors degree with a CGPA of 2.0/4
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
3 years Bachelors degree with a CGPA of 2.0/4
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
4 or 5 Year Bachelor degree (Licenciatura): 7/10
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
3 Year 'Titulo de Tecnico' or 'Profesional Asociado': 7/10
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
Diplomă (de studii superioare) de licenţă with a 6/10
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
Diplomă (de studii superioare) de licenţă with a 5/10
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
Successful completion of Bachelor degree: GPA C or 70%
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
Successful completion of Bachelor degree: GPA D or 60%
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
Diplôme d’Ingénieur d'Etat with a score of 10/20
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
Licence Professionnelle with a score of 10/20
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
HBO (4 years bachelors) with a grade of 6/10
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
WO (3 years bachelors) with a grade of 6/10
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
4 years Bachelors degree from a Centre of Excellence with a passing grade
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
Successful completion of 4 Year Bachelor degree
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
3 year Associate Degree: GPA 2.0 or 70%
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
4 years Bachelor degree with a CGPA of 2.5/4.0 or grade of C+
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
4 years Bachelor degree with a CGPA of 2.0/4.0 or grade of C
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
Lisans Diplomasi with an average score of 5/10 or GPA 2.0/4.0
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
Successfully complete 3 years of a 4 year Bachelor's degree with an average score of 5/10 or cummulative GPA of 2.0/4.00
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
4 Year Bachelor degree graded pass/5.0+
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
3 Year Associate degree graded Good 7.0+
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 240 Credit (if progressing into a 1 year Master’s)
Bachelor's (Honors) Degree with Third Class
Postgraduate Preparatory Programme - 180 Credit (if progressing into a 2 year Master’s)
Higher National Diploma with Merit
Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) with a Pass
* MSc Luxury & Design Management requires applicants to have previous work experience within the luxury/design industry, if you do not have any work experience, you can send an email to E: with the following attachments for the academic board’s approval:
- motivation letter explaining why 1) you are willing to join this program and 2) why you want to work in the luxury industry
- your updated CV
- You degree and transcript
*MSc Corporate Finance requires applicants to have completed a bachelors degree with strong mathematical background.